Sigit Purwadi's Library

Sigit Purwadi's Library

Pachinko [September 5, 2019]
Min Jin Lee
Sigit Purwadi's Library - A New York Times Top Ten Book of the Year and National Book Award finalist, Pachinko is an "extraordinary epic" of four generations of a poor Korean immigrant family as they fight to control their destiny in 20th-century Jap...
Mein Kampf [September 5, 2019]
Adolf Hitler
Sigit Purwadi's Library - For the first time in 65 years, a modern, easy to understand, truly complete and uncensored edition of Mein Kampf has been released which reveals more than any past translation. This hardcover book is also the first translat...
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing [September 5, 2019]
Marie Kondō
Sigit Purwadi's Library - The #1 New York Times  bestselling guide to decluttering your home and the inspiration for the hit Netflix show Tidying Up with Marie Kondo. Despite constant efforts to declutter your home, do papers still accumulate like s...
The 101 Most Influential People Who Never Lived: How Characters of Fiction, Myth, Legends, Television, and Movies Have Shaped Our Society, Changed Our Behavior, and Set the Course of History [September 5, 2019]
Allan Lazar and Dan Karlan and Jeremy Salter
Sigit Purwadi's Library - From Santa Claus to Buffy the Vampire Slayer, from Uncle Sam to Uncle Tom, here is a compelling, eye-opening, and endlessly entertaining compendium of fictional trendsetters and world-shakers who have helped shape our cultur...
101 Things Everyone Should Know About Economics [September 5, 2019]
Peter Sander
Sigit Purwadi's Library - Economics, demystified!From the collapse of housing prices to the thousand-point drops in the stock market, the past five years have been full of economic crises. These changes not only affect the overall market--they can al...
The Power of Habit [September 5, 2019]
Charles Duhigg
Sigit Purwadi's Library - A young woman walks into a laboratory. Over the past two years, she has transformed almost every aspect of her life. She has quit smoking, run a marathon, and been promoted at work. The patterns inside her brain, neurologist...
90 Minutes in Heaven [September 5, 2019]
Don Piper
Sigit Purwadi's Library - As he is driving home from a minister's conference, Baptist minister Don Piper collides with a semi-truck that crosses into his lane. He is pronounced dead at the scene. For the next 90 minutes, Piper experiences heaven wher...
Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking [September 5, 2019]
Susan Cain
Sigit Purwadi's Library - At least one-third of the people we know are introverts. They are the ones who prefer listening to speaking, reading to partying; who innovate and create but dislike self-promotion; who favor working on their own over brains...
How to Think More About Sex [September 5, 2019]
Alain de Botton
Introduction to Logic and Critical Thinking [September 5, 2019]
Matthew J. van Cleave
Sigit Purwadi's Library - "This is an introductory textbook in logic and critical thinking. The goal of the textbook is to provide the reader with a set of tools and skills that will enable them to identify and evaluate arguments. The book is intende...
Quiet Power: The Secret Strengths of Introverts [September 5, 2019]
Susan Cain and Gregory Mone and Erica Moroz
Sigit Purwadi's Library - The monumental bestseller Quiet has been recast in a new edition that empowers introverted kids and teens  Susan Cain sparked a worldwide conversation when she published Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t S...
La Tahzan: Jangan Bersedih! [September 2, 2019]
Dr. ‘aidh Al-Qarni
Sigit Purwadi's Library - Sebagai salah satu buku kategori pencerahan hati (an-nafsu al muthma`innah), Lâ Tahzan menawarkan terapi yang lebih dekat dengan al-Qur`an dan Sunah, ketimbang renungan-renungan reflektif semata. Lâ Tahzan menjadi buku terla...
Allah, Liberty & Love: The Courage to Reconcile Faith and Freedom [September 2, 2019]
Irshad Manji
Sigit Purwadi's Library - "Irshad Manji is the new voice of reform, not only for Islam, but for all religions." — Deepak ChopraThe New York Times bestselling author to whom Oprah gave her first ever Chutzpah Award, Irshad Manji has written a book tha...
Psikologi Kematian (Edisi Terbaru Gabungan) [September 2, 2019]
Komaruddin Hidayat
Sigit Purwadi's Library - Memandang kematian sebagai peristiwa yang mengerikan dan menakutkan adalah pilihan yang justru menyakitkan. Kematian, sebagaimana juga kehidupan, adalah anugerah Tuhan.Setiap saat kita berjalan menuju pintu kematian. Kita me...
Setengah Jalan [September 2, 2019]
Ernest Prakasa
Sigit Purwadi's Library - Gue mendukung kebebasan berekspresi di YouTube, termasuk bagi orang yang kontroversial kayak Young Lex. Orang sering bilang ke gue, "Tapi Nest, Young Lex itu nggak mendidik!" Kalau digituin, gue cuma jawab, "Sejak kapan mend...
Dilan 2: Dia Adalah Dilanku Tahun 1991 [September 2, 2019]
Pidi Baiq
Sigit Purwadi's Library - "Jika aku berkata bahwa aku mencintainya, maka itu adalah sebuah pernyataan yang sudah cukup lengkap." -Milea "Senakal-nakalnya anak geng motor, Lia, mereka shalat pada waktu ujian praktek Agama." -Dilan @Viny_JKT48 "Aku...
Anggukan Ritmis Kaki Pak Kiai (Republish) [September 2, 2019]
Emha Ainun Nadjib
Sigit Purwadi's Library -  Di sebuah pesantren, ada dua orang kiai yang berdebat tentang hukum kesenian. Salah seorang dari mereka bersikeras bahwa kesenian itu syirik, bahkan haram. Para santri menyaksikan perdebatan itu dengan hati berdebar. Dari k...
Asbunayah [September 2, 2019]
Pidi Baiq
Sigit Purwadi's Library - "Bukan Tuhan yang harus kau cari, tetpi jawaban mengapa kamu bodoh mencari yang sudah bersamamu." "Kalau Kehidupan ini Palsu, mengapa uangnya harus asli? Saya hanya butuh penjelasan." Jika doa bukan sebuah Permintaan, setida...
Markesot Bertutur Lagi [September 2, 2019]
Emha Ainun Nadjib
Sigit Purwadi's Library - Markesot adalah sosok lugu nan cerdas, mbeling, terkadang misterius. Dalam kesehariannya dengan sahabat-sahabatnya, Markembloh, Markasan, Markemon, dan lain-lain yang tergabung dalam Konsorsium Para Mbambung (KPMb), Markesot...
Balada Gathak-Gathuk [September 2, 2019]
Sujiwo Tejo
Sigit Purwadi's Library - Gathak dan Gathuk kelimpungan. Tanah Air mereka, Giri, telah tumpas diganyang Mataram. Bahkan junjungan mereka pun, Raden Jayengresmi-keturunan Sunan Giri Perapen-pergi entah ke mana.Gathak dan Gathuk galau. Mereka tak tahu ...
Buat Apa Shalat?! [September 2, 2019]
Haidar Bagir
Sigit Purwadi's Library - SHALAT, secara harfiah, berarti doa. Dalam konteks ini, yang dimaksud shalat adalah doa yang disampaikan dengan tata cara?syarat dan rukun?yang khas dalam bentuk bacaanbacaan dan gerakan-gerakan tertentu.ÿDalam bahasa syaria...
Novelet Madre [September 2, 2019]
Dee Lestari
Novel [1]: Sigit Purwadi's Library - Apa rasanya jika sejarah kita berubah dalam sehari? Darah saya mendadak seperempat Tionghoa, nenek saya seorang penjual roti, dan dia, bersama kakek yang tidak saya kenal, mewariskan anggota keluarga baru yang tid...
Kisah Tanah Jawa [September 2, 2019]
Sigit Purwadi's Library - “Kenapa mobilnya, Pak?”“Nggak tahu nih, Bu. Biar bapak cek dulu, ya.”Kondisi jalan pukul 7 malam itu sangat sepi, hanya ada mobil tersebut ditemani suara jangkrik. Bapak itu mencoba men-starter mobilnya dengan keadaan kap mo...
Surat Kepada Kanjeng Nabi [September 2, 2019]
Emha Ainun Nadjib
Sigit Purwadi's Library - Di negeri kami ini, umatmu berjumlah terbanyak dari penduduknya. Di negeri ini, kami punya Muhammadiyah, punya NU, Persis, punya ulama-ulama dan MUI, ICMI, punya bank, punya HMI, PMII, IMM, Anshor, Pemuda Muhammadiyah, IPM, ...
Dilan: Dia Adalah Dilanku Tahun 1990 [September 2, 2019]
Pidi Baiq
Sigit Purwadi's Library - "Milea, kamu cantik, tapi aku belum mencintaimu. Enggak tahu kalau sore.Tunggu aja." (Dilan 1990)"Milea, jangan pernah bilang ke aku ada yang menyakitimu, nanti, besoknya, orang itu akan hilang." (Dilan 1990)"Cinta sejati ad...
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